Well the 2012 Tour is over and I enjoyed myself immensely. All the visitors, the kind comments and the help and support from family, other tour members and friends (you know who you are Shannon - thanks so much). It's always a rush and last minute details that gets you going. As another artist friend of mine has said you know you are alive when you're that busy getting ready for a Studio Tour.
I remembered to snap a few photos in the midst of all the comings and goings.
Thanks Karen Mulcaster for buying the first piece on the Tour 2012. We are now Facebook friends and I smiled when I read on her wall "Bought my very first piece of authentic art from Cheryl Dolan in Quyon! It will get the most prominent spot in my living room, when I pick it up next weekend."
Some visitors admiring the art.
Mryran Lafrance knew exactly what she wanted to see when she stepped out of her truck in front of my house. "I have come to see the cows" and she did. And now one of my Country Girls has a new home in Hull.
Thanks to all the visitors for your support, kinds words and admiration of my art. I love to create art but it makes it even more worthwhile when someone else enjoys it also.