Thursday, August 23, 2012

Artist Residency Week 2012 - Part I

Monday - Potluck at Val's.  We enjoyed watching the humming birds flutter around, dart and weave.  Earlier during the day the artists tried their hands doing encaustic with Lynn Girard.




 It was Roch's birthday.  He was surprised with Chantal brought out a cake for him.


On the way home, Shannon and I encountered some cows on the road.  I manipulated the photo and used it for some artwork later in the week.

Tuesday - We met at Dale's and then off to a great beach on Calumet Island  where Robert Hinchley gave us tips on en plein aire.  He was great.  So much so that I took a 3-day course from him later in the month.

 Some rafters floated by.

 Carol and Janice going out to take some shots.
Hay going for a stroll on the beach.
 After the lovely day at the beach we learned about a medicine wheel with Chantal and Roch.
Did you know that ferns keep away blackflies and other bugs?  I think it works.

 Then it was to Dale's for another potluck.  We sure did eat well this week.

Here is Hay taking a stroll in the hayfield.

 A beautiful sky to top the day off.

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  1. nice photographs with nice scenaries

  2. Thanks so much. We had a great week at the artist residency. I especially liked Sand Bay - will post later today or probably tomorrow.
